Photos courtesy Shawn Linehan
Who: Brett Montague, Wife Susie Montague, and deckhand Ethan Hold
Boat: JO EL
Catch: Salmon and tuna
Photos courtesy Shawn Linehan
The Boat
The JO EL is a 1967 American Wood boat. When the boat was first built and sent to check its sea legs, it sank. After a renovation and years later, Chris Cameron purchased the boat. For 30 years Chris fished on this boat and was one of the first boats to sell Local Ocean tuna when our doors first opened. This relationship has continued for 12 years and now 3 years with Brett Montague as the new owner and captain.
Brett’s Fishing Story
Brett grew up in Philadelphia wanting to be a U.S. history teacher. He went on to college and received his degree, but he realized how much he wanted to work with his hands and be outside, this is when he found fishing. At 28, Brett came to Newport and was hired on as a deckhand. He worked on 2 separate boats for only 7 years before purchasing one himself. Brett credits Chris Cameron, the previous owner of the Jo El, with teaching him how to catch quality tuna. He states he does not have the biggest boat that could produce a high quantity but takes pride in the high-quality product he catches and his boat’s capability of storing his catch below 30 degrees which maintains a sashimi-grade tuna.
Photos courtesy Shawn Linehan
Boat Life
Brett will spend about six months of the year on his boat. This time is broken up depending on the species that is currently in season. In tuna season, which is typically June through October Brett and his deckhand, Ethan Holt will be on the water for up to 19 days at a time. Ethan has been with Brett since he first purchased the JO EL. Brett described Ethan as a “godsend” and one of his very best friends.
Tuna trips take a lot of planning in anticipation of being gone for such a long period of time. Brett’s wife, Susie supports her husband by preparing most of their meals. His favorite- lasagna and her peach cobbler. He says her food will bring him much comfort when being out to sea. Brett and Ethan will also cook on their Dickinson Oil stove in the boat and sometimes treat themselves to their fresh catch! Their system is very similar to camping but with the convenience of a 6-ton freezer on the boat.
Being out in the open sea presents experiences most will never have. One time, Ethan was on wheel watch and woke Brett up to see a pod of whales probably 5 miles wide! “It never gets old,” explains Brett. He always keeps a bird and Northwest marine mammal identification guide by his captain’s chair. When he is not identifying wildlife, he and Ethan will read magazines and books during downtime. His favorites- nonfiction history and The Space Odyssey series.
The JO EL is Brett’s home away from home. His must-haves: Sirius Satellite Radio which he often has the Grateful Dead station playing, a satellite phone to call home, and a picture of him and Susie. These objects provide comfort when the seas are rough, and he is ready to be on land.
Boat Life with Boat Dog - Briar
During salmon season Brett’s dog, Briar gets to go on trips with him. Unlike tuna, salmon must be kept fresh which only allows for a maximum of 5-day trips. Having a dog on the boat is the greatest thing explains Brett. Everybody loves the dog, and it is a great breakaway when needed. She will often jump in the captain’s chair and play co-captain!
Brett’s other dog, Vela was a boat dog but retired to stay home and keep Susie company. She helps fill the void when Brett is gone fishing. He and Susie do not have any children but the two dogs and two cats keep them busy and entertained.
Photos courtesy Shawn Linehan